Bush Preschool. Enriching learning, beyond the fence
What is Bush Preschool
Bush preschool is an enriched learning experience in the Illawarra’s Mt Keira Escarpment. Children and educators will:
- spend unhurried time playing in nature
- are free to explore,collaborate, communicate and question
- participate in adventurous journeys to deepen learning
- develop positive attitudes to themselves as capable learners and citizens
Why Bush Preschool
- Research documents the positive benefits of time in nature
- Foster connections, appreciation and investment in the natural world
- Helping children and our preschool community to develop a solid foundation and a lifelong sense of wonder in our world
- To foster understanding and respect for our natural and cultural heritage
- Positive contribution to building dispositions and skills for a smooth transition to school
- Strong gains in physical and cognitive development
We aim for children to develop:
- an awareness of nature’s changes and the rhythm of the seasons
- an awareness of the capabilities and the limits of their bodies
- their ability to assess risk and identify hazards
- their understanding of the Dharawalconnection to country
- emotional resilience and an emotional connection to the planet
- their imagination through open ended experiences such as storytelling, observation, creative design with natural materials
- dispositions and skills for a smooth transition to school
- a sense of belonging to a community of learners
“This generation will require leaders and citizens who can think ecologically, understand the interconnectedness of human and natural systems, and have the will, ability, and courage to act” – Michael K. Stone
Bush Preschool Photo Gallery
Duty of Care
The safety of children and adults is paramount. There are clear guidelines, policies and procedures. Contact KCPS for details.
Innovative Early Learning
Bush Preschool contributes to each of the 5 Learning Outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework of Australia.